Saturday, September 18, 2021

do you know?


that a vaccine when done right, stays in the upper arm muscle?
what about the one they want you to take now?
does it stay in the arm muscle?
something you might want to research...

the other ones stay in the arm muscle and  your body fights it there to make antibodies...
not this one...
in 2 hours its in your bloodstream...
that means it goes all over your body...
in 48 hours, in women, its in the ovaries...
and its in the bone marrow...

this one is full of toxic chemicals, human fetus cells, pig cells and metals...
it is not FDA approved for all the use...
its only approved for high risk people...
for emergency use...

that this one has a marker in it that glows in the dark...
look up lucifer yellow...
that magnets stick to peoples arms and faces after?
google that...

it doesn't work...
people die from the jab or are now living with multiple problems..
they still get covid...
they transmit it...

but, if you still believe in it...
why are they so afraid of those who don't have it?

if you had covid, you have natural immunity...
you don't need the shot in the arm...
google that...

this shot changes your dna...
that's scary...

look up the Covid 19 patent...
and yes, it has a patent...
its man made...
guess who's name is on it, among others...
our very own expert, Dr Fauci...
he's making millions off of this...
he gets kick backs on all the masks and treatments...
and those big pharmo companies making them?
check to see how many good and successful vaccines they have under their belt...

look up the number of deaths last year...
the same as the year before...
only this year has 0 flu deaths...
did the flu just go away?

how about old Bill Gates...
who never had a medical class in his life...
is an "expert" on vaccines...
several years ago he made a presentation to the military...
our military...
that his goal, and his buddies'...
was to decrease the surplus population...
and the world population in the billions...
7.9 billion...
down to 500 million...
now where does that leave the rest of the population?
that's online, too...

so now, go dig...
do  your own thinking...
make your own decisions...
stop following those who are trying to throw you over the cliff...
what's their agenda?
who pays their bills?

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Bless your little pea picking heart for leaving a comment! You are so sweet!