Sunday, September 12, 2021's been awhile...

I am not sure how this will end...
trying to find the truth in all the lies...

so much going on in America and in the world right now...

I do know there are things happening that we do not know about...
I believe the election was stolen...
and that China and others were involved...
that we are at war...

what we hold dear is being ripped from our hands...
and that there is evil in this world...
an evil so unimaginable...

I believe we are being lied to about the virus...
that it's not what they say it is...
that's its not any more deadly than the various flus we have had in the past...
that this is about controlling us...
taking away our rights...
and I will not get the shot in the arm...

I really do believe that the coming back of Christ is so close now...
I know God always wins...
every single time...
and right now, the most important thing we can do is get right with God...
and keep praying...

I have tried to stay off of here and not comment on politics and things going on...
hoping it would all be settled and done with by now...
but, it's God's timing...
not ours...
and I am led to come back here and put it all out there...

I am not sure if there is anyone still out there now...
but if you are...
turn to God...
put your faith there and in nothing else...
there is no other way to navigate this world...

God loves us...
always has, always will...
maybe He is just waiting for us to turn back to Him...
I do know people are seeking Him like they never have before...
a nation who puts God first is blessed...

praying for Him to keep us safe and protected from all that would destroy us...
keep the faith...


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Bless your little pea picking heart for leaving a comment! You are so sweet!