Wednesday, November 22, 2023

Happy Thanksgivng!


there comes a time in life...
when you have more loved ones on the other side...
and few left on this one...

this is how I imagine our family dinners...
and we spend time around the table retelling tales of those who made such a difference in our lives...

and we tell how thankful we are for all the things God has given us...
and all the people who He placed in our lives...
without all His blessings...
we wouldn't be where we are today...

so if you have family...
enjoy them...
even the nuts...
you might just find out later...
they are the ones you will miss the most...

Happy Thanksgiving!
forget the scales...
enjoy the feast...
hug those there a little longer...
and take a moment to just be in this time...
for it will pass so soon...

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Bless your little pea picking heart for leaving a comment! You are so sweet!