Friday, January 12, 2024

hurkle durkle day...


I learn something new every day...
I am hurkle-durkling my way through this day...
weather moved in...
no snow here, just rain...
but the high winds are coming soon...

there is snow to the north...
lots of snow to the north...
if its coming your way...
I am sorry...

stay safe this weekend...
we are all stocked up and ready for a hurkle- durkle weekend...

enjoy your day!

1 comment:

  1. I grew up in ND and have wonderful memories of winter. Winter was when the bookmobile brought treasures for us to read by the wall register. Dad was around because no farm work. Mom was busy quilting with her friends who brought good things to eat for their coffee breaks. I and my many siblings played our hearts out in the snow. We would come in for some good smelling soup and baked bread. I can smell the mittens drying on the radiators along the classroom walls and see the boots and overcoats and caps and scarves in the cloakroom in our school. I love winter! It brings me memories.


Bless your little pea picking heart for leaving a comment! You are so sweet!