Wednesday, January 31, 2024

the sun came out!


yee haw!

its trying it's best to shine today!

having a good day...

got some stuff from fed ex this morning...

bought me a couple new nightgowns...

cannot run out of those...

hope you all have good days and sunshine...

been helping a couple friends out...

that is always a good place to be...

let me know what you are up to!

I would love to hear about your days!


  1. Just got back from coffee with the girls. Nothing sweeter in life than girlfriends. We meet at Sergio's which is an Italian bakery in an old, old building. I live in Albuquerque. Original from the first Sergio generations ago. Linda is the gal that works the counter. I've grown to love her. Today a homeless guy came in and started getting nasty. I went back to the kitchen to alert them to the situation. Linda charged out there and before you know it, he was quietly eating his sandwich. "He's been in before. I know how to handle him." I LOVE the Linda's in this world!

  2. Hello Tete, I spent the day cleaning my shower and trying to get a few more years out of our fixtures. It literally took me most of the day. I also visited over the phone with several business people and my Mom. It was nice to end JAnuary with some big paperwork projects taken care of. Thehubs has been taking down his Giant Christmas Light Display and putting it away. Every cord and every box must be labeled. The cat has stayed outside with him all day and followed his every step. The sun has felt so good it put me into a cleaning mode. Not really, but a few things had been on my list too long and I didn't want to add them to the February list of to do's. It's always good to hear from you. Enjoy the rays today! ~jackiesee~


Bless your little pea picking heart for leaving a comment! You are so sweet!