Saturday, February 3, 2024

the month of hearts and chocolate!


not only is February not January...

but it's the month of hearts and chocolate!

but I am not doing Valentine decor this year...

well, not in my house...

so I shall do it here...

been sorting bins...

found some Easter things...

might have put some of it out...


don't tell on me!

(the guys are not protesting)

not sure how to take that...

there's no eye rolling or smart remarks...


I might need to check their IDs today...

make sure I got the right guys here...

y'all have a blessed weekend...

and don't forget...

it's hug a grump month! 



  1. I went to the mall yesterday looking for a jewelry repair person. I wandered around for about 2 minutes and realized, there was absolutely nothing I wanted! That was stunning to me and made me happy at the same time. Another season in my life. I'm finding I go back and forth with these seasons and I have given myself FULL permission. If anyone asks me why, I say "Because I can!". Sounds like you live with a couple of characters that love to tease you. Those tchotchkes (I looked up how to spell this but my spell check doesn't like it)say to them, "She's feeling good." And that makes them feel good. Keep it up and they'll start teasing you again.


Bless your little pea picking heart for leaving a comment! You are so sweet!