Thursday, May 16, 2024

he's free!



he got the sling off!

doing physical therapy 3x a week for a while...

he can get showers now!

the therapist said about 3 months...

DH has a funeral to attend today...

his aunt died...

she was 98...

the last of them...

a day she lived for!

finally in Heaven!

that's how she viewed things...

she was a grand lady...

faithful and joyful!

have good days!

Sunday, May 12, 2024

Saturday, May 11, 2024


we are taking it day by day...
still working on DH's shoulder recovery...
starts PT next Wednesday...
and gets the sling off then...
so far so good, just slow...
Craig is back working at our local store but still on nights...
will be until late summer/ early fall...
I am on the list to have a ramp built so I can get off of the porch...
it could be awhile...
so there's that...
I miss gardening...
but it is what it is...
hope you are all well...
have blessed days!