Saturday, May 29, 2010

got moving early this morning...

the sun is going to warm things up a bit today...
mower guy came yesterday and got the yard done...
got two of these planted in front of the white fence in the memorial garden...with Harold gone now...its not just for girls anymore...
this was done before...
but we started in planting the rest of the pots...
Georgie supervised...
and this is what we got done...and all the pots washed...
we had plans on getting things done this weekend and getting caught up...
well...things tend to change around here...
Steve was fine when he got home...
got a shower and ate supper...and then...whammmmmm...
completely out of no where...
he was running a pretty good fever...and he's down for the count...
I thought the flu bug was supposed to be done by now...
he sweated a fever off several times last night...
twice I had to get up because he was just too hot to sleep beside...
so maybe this thing will finish today and he can have a couple days feeling better...
Craig got the bicycle basket planted this morning and begonias in behind the shed while I did the pots...
he went back to bed...
Steve had breakfast in bed and is sleeping again...
so I may just take a nap...
its not even 8am but I have been up working since 3am...
have a safe day...

1 comment:

  1. Hope Uncle Steve feels better. Not a good way to spend Memorial Day weekend


Bless your little pea picking heart for leaving a comment! You are so sweet!