Saturday, May 29, 2010

the weekend's works in progress...

large veggie cans make great elevated stands for anything...and soon they will begin to rust out...
more bloomers waiting to stretch their roots in the dirt...hopefully, they will find a permanent home...
the north fire pit is cleaned out...
and Craig moved the wood ring behind it from the other side of the yard...
he needs to cut up the rest of the wood for it to fit in here...
last night about 9...Craig and I were sitting in the yard and I had a thought...
moved the wagon in to here...
the tin cans need new strings to hang down from the top...
still thinking on this area...
he switched this chair with the brown one...need something here...still more thinking...there could be something in the shed...
the bird bath needs scrubbed today and filled...
filling all the holes in the blocks with dirt...
and then planting in them...
this area is almost done?...right...I have to tweak...but its good for now...
can't wait till these fill in and bloom again...
whatever kind of weekend you choose to do...
rest or work...
I hope  you do it well...

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Bless your little pea picking heart for leaving a comment! You are so sweet!