Sunday, June 6, 2010

there's a 30 degree difference in the temp this morning...

Stever and I went out to sit at the table...
there's a pretty good breeze happening out there...
I had my winter robe on and was still cold...
he was just in his shorts...
he made an inside run and grabbed a sweatshirt for him and a blanket for me...
I have my hair up and my ears were cold...
it's 63, so we came back into the ac to warm up...
we got the windows open to blow the stink out of the house...
he's getting a black berry pie in the oven...
I'm going to go warm up in the shower and find some warmer clothes...
if only the whole summer could be like this...
I would love it...

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Bless your little pea picking heart for leaving a comment! You are so sweet!