Sunday, June 6, 2010

things have gotten brighter...

through the kitchen window...earlier...
but since this morning... the skies turned blue...
and big white puffy clouds replaced the gray early morning sky...
it's warmed up to a whole whopping 69...
Craig's flower bed that was totally taken over with weeds...
he has been working on this a lot this week...
in between all the rains and hot afternoons...
the tiger lilies...
I just got off of the phone with Rebecca...
and it was so good...
we talked about things that bothered us...
and we talked a lot about God...
his plans for us...
and how the devil is waiting to tear it apart...
at any chance he gets...
my mom used to tell me that he's not happy...
and he doesn't want us happy either...
and that he's always trying to stick his nose in where it doesn't need to be...
we all need to walk closer to God...
to keep our hand in Christ's hand...
and enjoy each day we are given...
there is always something good...
even in chaos...
we choose what we dwell  on...
how we spend our time...
and we don't always get it right...
we can't...
He knows that...
He doesn't expect us to...
but He is always there waiting right where you left Him...
just don't leave Him waiting too long...
it makes the day soooo long...

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Bless your little pea picking heart for leaving a comment! You are so sweet!