Thursday, July 15, 2010

another hot one...even in the shade...

mr wiggles isn't moving much...
we have a heat advisory for today...
I was trying to get  photo of a butterfly...
and doofus had to help...again...
scared it away...
this is the one ice cream chair that still had it's metal bottom...
until we get these done it works as a table...
nice and rusty...
just the way I like things...
portulaca only opens when the sun is shining on it...
yesterday was closed up tight in the heat...
and they love heat...
our house guest, Diva...
who is so passive outside...
just look at that face...
but inside, she plays hard...
she likes this toy the best this time...
she took her nap with me and Bebe yesterday...
but at night she thinks Doug is it...
she won't leave his side...
this morning when I was breaking beans to get them on...
she begged until I gave her a little piece...
she carried it around for awhile but never ate it...
so if you're checking in, mom, your baby is doing alright...
and we haven't seen her chewing on her paw at all...
so it must be ok now...
well, nap time...

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Bless your little pea picking heart for leaving a comment! You are so sweet!