Thursday, July 15, 2010

Post 1501: after supper last night...

this is what happens when I feed these guys...
Diva is on a junk food...she's just tired from being cute...
she's hard to say no...
but we do...
they just had to try them out...
it was still pretty warm out there...
too hot to chase tails...
and today is going to be worse...
and can you believe this is my 1501st post?...
time flies when you're having fun...
and I must have had a lot of fun in my life...
because the last 40 years have buzzed right on by...
I remember being 7...
I knew I had a problem blogging when I had to start paying for extra space for my photos...

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Bless your little pea picking heart for leaving a comment! You are so sweet!