Sunday, July 18, 2010

Sunday drive...

back of Main Street...
soy beans...
notice the corn is already starting to turn on the bottom...
it's early...
we will have an early fall...
country road...
wild flowers...
morning glories...
an old apple tree...
cow pasture...
the elevator in the background...
down the tracks...
all the cows were laying down today...
they do that when it's going to rain...
storage shed...
farm implements...
it's all about farming here...
they are gearing up...
they say there will be a bumper crop in the corn this year...
and it is coming early...
about a month early...
we are having August weather now...
the walnuts are done making and the leaves are coming down...
the sedum is blushing...
and the mums are budding...
and maybe we will be able to enjoy more time outside when the air cools down a bit...
have a wonder afternoon...

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Bless your little pea picking heart for leaving a comment! You are so sweet!