Sunday, July 18, 2010

Sunday morning:

Craig picking green beans...
persimmon tree...
soy bean field to the east of us...
Craig and Doug still picking...
rose of sharon is still blooming with many more to come...
something has been eating the morning glories...
Monday's supper...
the sedum is blushing...a little early...
Steve in the swing...
Doug and Craig in the loungers...
Steve checking the fluids on the truck...
the newly painted items look so good now...
clean and fresh...
they took the heat advisory off today because of the cloud cover...
there was rain headed our way early but it died out before it got here...
we ended up with 3 1/2 inches Friday...
hope your day is cooler...


  1. Do you have flowers in your wheelbarrow? Haley has done that for a couple of years. It's so nice because you can move it to where you need some colors!

    All your "new" white loungers look fabulous. Hopefully things will cool off and you can use them too.

  2. I like using the wheel barrow not only because you can move it for color, but you can move it for sunlight, too. When it started getting hotter out, we put it in part shade and nothing fried!
    I liked the mobility of it so much, I bought an old red wagon off of my friend and we can roll it around, too!


Bless your little pea picking heart for leaving a comment! You are so sweet!