Thursday, August 19, 2010

Versatile Blogger Award

I received this award from my best friend, Rebecca, this morning...
according to the format...
I must list 7 things about myself...
and then pass this on to 7 other bloggers who I think is great...
so here goes:

1. I'm a tomboy. 
I have always been one. 
I used to work on cars with my dad.
I would rather climb a tree than do a tea.

2. I used to coach little league.
I love baseball.
I was the president of the LL for 3 years after I coached for 8.

3. I collect vintage toys.

4. I love all colors...
just certain shades of them.

5. I love riding with the window down.
And my head hanging out to catch the wind.

6. I love genealogy.
It's putting the puzzle together.
Besides, dead people have never bothered me.
The live ones are another story...

7. I write poetry.
I have been published in the US.
I have also been published in Europe.

So, that's enough about me...
here are 7 super wonderful blogs that I look at daily...
I pass this Vesatile Blogger Award onto:

Lynette at The Imaginative Traveler
Her photos are awesome and she has so much to share with the world.

Darla at Sparkle Plenty
This lady is down home all the way- with a wonderful home and a dog named Tyson who can get into a little trouble every now and then.

The Finicky Frog
This is just a fun blog in the daily life of a creative blogger.

Kathy at A Delightsome Life
This girl has more energy and is always joining in on the blog parties.  She is full of inspiration.

Cheryl at ZanyMayd
She's clever, crafty and so sweet!

Debbie at House at the Lake
Awe, Debbie- I love this girl.  She is the sweetest person and her home is lovely.
She always leaves the best comments and a day without her would be a sad day indeed.

Beth at Beyond the Garden Gate
My twin!- We are so much alike it's scary and for both of us to choose the same name for our blogs is unreal.  Her gardens are breath taking.  I know she doesn't want awards, but I couldn't pass this on and not include her.

Everyone of these blogs, and many more, brighten each and every day for me.  There is hope, understanding, support and love in these bloggers.
I hope you take the time to check all of them out.
You will never be the same again.

Thanks, Rebecca, for this chance to lift up these fine ladies!
Now all these bloggers need to do is copy the award and post it on their blogs with a list of 7 things about themselves and 7 other bloggers to pass this award onto.


  1. Oh my goodness Tete!!! thank you for thinking of me! I appreciate the award lots! and I will be sure to pass it on.
    Love ya!

  2. You are such a sweetie!! Thank you so much for the award!! Hey...I love hanging my head out the window too. My favorite way is when my hair is still wet and it's really hot out. Thanks for the support on the blog redo...I'll be sure to let you know if I find out how to get my banner centered!

    Thanks again!

  3. Hi Tete! Thanks so much for thinking of me. I really appreciate your kindness. Hope all is well with you. I know you are looking forward to fall and it seems to be on the way.
    Have a great wknd!
    Blessings, Beth

  4. What a lovely compliment you pay me with this award,and your kind words, Tete! Thank you so much. I certainly believe that no one is more deserving of an award than your own sweet self...:)



Bless your little pea picking heart for leaving a comment! You are so sweet!