Wednesday, October 27, 2010

16 years...

16 years ago...
I went to check on my mom...
only to find...
my mom had left this earth...
and joined my sister on the other side...
and I thought I would never be able to go on...
that I couldn't take another step without her...
and there is no way I could...
and I haven't...
I have kept her with me all the while...


  1. Thinking of you at this moment Tete-you're such a strong woman-and a lot of that comes from our mothers-that they're still with us.
    Don't know why you had to find her-only God knows-just wanted to let you know-I'm here if you need to talk!

  2. I'm thinking of you Tete, and the loss of your beloved Mother. Hope you get a much needed lift tonight!

  3. Oh, Tete- You are such a sweet soul. I think God let you find you Mom because you wouldn't have been able to bear it if someone else had. Your Mom and Sister will greet you some sweet day in the future. A special hug tonight- Diana

  4. Tete-It seems like you were the perfect one to find her. You sound so strong and able to take care of others who are not. Someone led you there for sure, maybe her, maybe God but it sounds like it was meant to be that way!
    My mother is with me every day, also. Anything that is good in me came from her.


Bless your little pea picking heart for leaving a comment! You are so sweet!