Wednesday, October 27, 2010

hope all of you are ok after the storms that went through yesterday...

the winds got intense in many areas...
just praying you are all safe and that you will be posting soon...
many here were without electric...
the news said this morning that 20  tornadoes came out of that line that went through...
Rebecca and I are safe here...
hugs to all...
you are in my prayers...


  1. Tete I'm so glad you and Rebecca are ok. I heard about the storms this morning and I was worried.

  2. From the weather reports, the storms are popping up where they not usually occur. I am thankful you and family were spared from severe harm or damage.

  3. Oh my gosh! Tornadoes in October is crazy! We have been spared of the bad storms luckily. Just lots of wind! Glad you are ok!

  4. Tete-Glad you are safe too. We had horrid wind all night long which limited our internet but did not result in a power outage for us. I think we have one more day to endure this. Hugs- Diana


Bless your little pea picking heart for leaving a comment! You are so sweet!