Sunday, October 17, 2010

it was so hard to do...

dumping pots that were blooming...
putting up all the fun summery stuff...
emptying baskets and such...
turning things over and taking things down...
making it tidy...
I suppose so all the leaves can cover it up later...
and I said good bye to my loyal friend...
my poor old $500 van...
but I got $50 out of it...
so I guess it was my $450 van...
now there is only an empty spot...
but it does look nicer...
then we were out by the road and a baby wood pecker came to see me...
he was eating nuts...
he is right in the middle of the photo...
he is a little guy...
a male...
what's left of the decor out front...
scary pirate guy and 3 bats gone...
neighbor kid...
DH caught him in the yard late Friday...
when Craig and I went for a walk today...
we ran into them and I asked them if they had taken my stuff...
him and his little sister said nooooooo...
the neighbor told me  he showed him one of the bats the other day...
the boy is 11 and the little girl isn't in school yet and they are allowed to run all over the neighborhood all hours of the day and night...
pray for them...
there is a lot more to this...
so, just pray really hard for them to get the help they need...

we have a pork roast in the oven with potatoes and carrots...
DH just got the apples peeled and cut up...
I'm going to cook them off to put on top of vanilla ice cream later...
the bedding is in the washer...
and we are just about done...
it's not even 2:00 yet...
I think we are doing good!...
oh, gotta make some cole slaw so it can sit awhile so the sugar will dissolve...
have a great afternoon...
Monday morning will come soon enough...
Hugs- Tete


  1. I know it is hard to give up that van. Look on the bright side, you don't have to fix it over and over. It's worth it. SOme kid may fix it up nice. HAVE a great Sunday.. Love the background.

  2. Oh, I know how you feel....I have to do that tomorrow. Everything is a mess, blooming flowers, but straggly. I have chile in the's been a fall kind of day, and I'm lovin it!
    I didn't play in the ocean cause I'm not a member of the polar bear club!

  3. Yum, Yum, Your Meal Sounds Wonderful.... will Keep the Young ones in My Prayers, it is So Sad to know that Sweet Children are Not being cared for Properly ~ really tears at your Heart!

  4. Did you shed a little tear or two as the van rolled down the road? I know that I have a car that I will feel sad to lose one day....she and I have been friends for a long time.

    I love the sounds of your day. It seems you were busy and happy and productive. I find that busy-ness and productivity do not always go hand in hand. I have many days when I am busy and don't get much accomplished at all.

    I am so sorry to hear about your neighbor children. Little ones without a light to guide them and it seems they have already gotten off the path of sweet childhood innocence. I will pray for them. Their parents are probably the ones that really need prayers.

    You are right that tomorrow will come all too soon. I have to leave the house by 5:45 am to be at work on time. Hope you have a wonderful night- Hugs, Diana

  5. Oh boy do I know what you mean about putting things away for winter... this was my first year being able to have actual gardens since until last year we lived in a townhome. So I spent hours and hours planting and fixing things up and before I knew it... fall hit .... oh does that make you want to cry!!!!!!!!! But the beauty of it is.... looking forward to next years beautiful blooms ;O)Sorry about your van sweetie! And I will surely say a prayer for the kids, just will never understand why people have children if they are not going to be there for them :O( Many BIG hugs!


Bless your little pea picking heart for leaving a comment! You are so sweet!