Sunday, October 17, 2010

Post # 1770...

Those who are lifting the world upward and onward are those who encourage more than criticize.
-Elizabeth Harrison

I have been thinking all day about what I am thankful about this Sunday...
there are many things on my list today...
spending time with my fanily...
being out in the sun...
playing with kittens...
cooked apples...
and more...
including my blogging buddies...
and all the encouragement I get from you everyday...
this is my 1770 post...
I know, I'm long winded...
but I was more impressed with the 1040 comments you all have left for me...
and I wanted to thank all of you for taking time out of your busy lives to leave me with the sweetest words, prayers and wishes...
I know there are some who visit who don't have time to leave comments and that's ok, too...
I only hope you walk away from my blog feeling the way you make me feel when you visit...
totally hugged!
Hugs and Blessings- Tete


  1. Wow, 1,770 posts is something to be excited about! I think it'll take me awhile to reach that :) Love your new background! Hope you have a great night! Yes, you would love Mackinac Island! If I win the lottery and buy that house, you can visit any time!! :)

  2. Wow Tete ~ 1770, That's Amazing..... I Love that I can count on You for at least 2-3 posts A Day, Your Spirit always makes me Smile.... You have been My God Send This Week ~ Thank You Dear Friend!

  3. I guess you have been blogging for quite a while before I found you! The Spirit I find here is what brings me back. You are just one of the kindest most loving people I have never met! You are a keeper as a friend! Hugs- Diana


Bless your little pea picking heart for leaving a comment! You are so sweet!