Friday, October 22, 2010

it's been awhile since we went for a walk...

you walk and I'll roll...
walk and roll...
get it?...
hahahahaha- wheel chair humor...
my new mail box...
from my bf...
we use to pass things to each other...
her hubby drops it off and picks up...
this he can handle...
you have seen my potting table many times...
but I never tire of it...
it's one of my favorite things...
so many things I have bought from a very friendly local dealer...
who happens to be my bf...
see the pot of walnuts???
hopefully my squirrels will find them here...
the portulaca is still going...
die hard it is...
my little hopper...
a mother's day gift from many years ago...
and one of my best friends...
the yard with the field behind it...
we have had so many sunny days...
and beautiful clear blue skies...
falling leaves and cooler breezes...
so many wonderful things right here right now...
take a moment to be right now...
don't remember yesterday...
and don't think about tomorrow...
just a moment to be right now...
and freeze time...
just for one moment...
the next moment will come without worrying about it...
or waiting for it...
it doesn't need any help at all...
all you have to do is blink...
and it will be here...
soak up the time between the blinks...


  1. That is so true, Tete- about being right here-right now. I think many of us have a tendency to either look back with joy (or sometimes regret) or to gaze forward and wish we had this or that...or that we were here or there. I try to live in the moment because they are fleeting at best. This was a good reminder for anyone that reads it. Hugs-Diana ps... I love your potting table too!

  2. Hi there Tete,
    Such a great reminder that we really need to enjoy the now! It doesn't do any good to worry about the past, or the future! (and I sure have been guilty of doing that more than I care to admit!!). So thanks for your words of wisdom today :) I love, love, love your potting bench! I would never get tired of looking at it either! Hope you are having a great one!

  3. All very good advice for me!! I'm going to try and live more in the moment. Your land is beautiful. "The land's the thing", I always say. They're not making any more of it! We are having a pretty fall here too. Yesterday I was noticing the beautiful blue October skies!

  4. Tete, I visit your blog often as I find it very inspiring to read ... food for the soul. I want you to know I took your advice to heart ... and I am doing much better with this change in perspective. Still have bad days emotionally but that is OK too as I know that it is part of the process. I too am a child of the KIng and I am much more at peace with Him these days. Anyhow, just wanted to drop a note. Hugs, Joanne

  5. Great Post Tete, We Always need a reminder to Slow Down & EnJOY! just wanted to stop in a say I will probably be MIA for the next week, actually till the 2nd ~ I am packing now to leave in the early am for My Daughters (only 15 minutes away) My Daughter & SIL are heading in the morning for a Vacation & I am Bubbie Sitting for My 3 Grands ~ I hope to be able to get on the internet a few times, but with a 1,3 & 7 year old, I know I will be Busy ~ Not use to taking care of them 24/7.... Here at My little place, it is just Me & the Cat!
    I know will have fun, I also know that I will be Exhausted & needing a LONG Nap when I return home.... So, If you don't hear from me for awhile, know I am fine & just hanging with the kiddos!


Bless your little pea picking heart for leaving a comment! You are so sweet!