Thursday, October 21, 2010

Where does all the time go?

this week has gone by so fast...
I can't believe that Friday is here so fast...
we are hanging onto yet another promise of rain this weekend...
people in the country are having to haul water now...
the wells are going dry...
for personal use at the house and for their livestock...
the creeks are drying...
and soon the wildlife here will start to suffer...
they will head for the rivers and lakes...
3 months now with not enough rain...
we are on city water...
so we are ok...
one of the perks of living in town...
I hear some of you are getting some of the white stuff already...
I'm sorry...
but it will be here soon enough...
I have already started my Christmas shopping...
how about you?...
are you thinking that far ahead?...
are your Thanksgiving plans already made?...


  1. Hi Dear Tete...Three months with no rain?! that's awful! I agree with you about time going by too fast. The older I get, the faster time goes for me. I need to conciously slow down, and smell the roses.
    Have a great Friday.

  2. Time is such a thief of life, isn't it? Sometimes I feel that the days and months and years just roll one into the other. I have always had a sense of time passing since I was a little kid. I would often wonder where I would be, WHO I would be in 10 years? Now..I am pacing that back a bit to FIVE years. I can't believe that I am this age and still don't feel any older than I did 25 years ago. How did this happen? How did TIME take part of who I am away?

    Thank you for your writings, Tete-They are wonderful...some days I come here and laugh and some days I come here and ponder on something deeper. Hugs to you- Diana

  3. Hey, I've done a tab bit of shopping...had grand plans of doing the bulk while off this summer, but my plans and my doings aren't always in tune! Hope you get rain soon! Lezlee

  4. Hello Tete..
    We are on the same track tonight, time is just getting past me, moving so fast!
    No rain in so long, such a hardship! We had the wettest spring ever and it just wouldn't quit, I wish I coulda bottled it up and sent it to you now:-) I'll keep my fingers croosed on a wet weekend for you:-)


Bless your little pea picking heart for leaving a comment! You are so sweet!