Saturday, November 13, 2010

2nd Hand Collections Blog Party Starts Here...

my collection this month is...
I used to buy jars of these and resell them...
of course I went through them first...
and I found the ones that made me smile...
I kept the odd ones...
the pretty ones...
notice the brown one on the bottom row here?..
the two holes are at the very edge of the button...
was it on purpose?...
or miss stamped?...
it's a very small collection...
but I was very picky about the ones I kept...
I thought about getting a canvas and sewing them on it...
to hang...
maybe someday...

so, what are you going  to share this month?...
I can't wait to see!...
if you have come to play along...
just add yourself to the linky below...


  1. I love your buttons too! I have a collection that I need to sort through. They belonged to my hubby's grandmother who kept everything that ever came through her house! Love yours!!!! hugs- Diana

  2. Ok I am in but I missed type my name. Nancu?
    It should be nancy..
    I miss understood the party thing; I did find some Postcards. Got to love it. Next time.

  3. I love buttons, too! When I was little I would spend hours playing in my mom's button box. Some of yours look like they might be bakelite? What a great collection!

  4. Love your beautiful collection of buttons Tete! My hairdresser gave me her Aunt's sewing box. She made a living as a seamstress so the box had a lot of beautiful buttons in it. Lucky me. Thanks for hosting this fun party. xo

  5. Wow beautiful buttons. I love buttons but i don't keep because i wont know what to do with them with only one or two the same pattern. The odd brown one is really 'odd' but cool, lol. Wish you a beautiful Sunday.
    Hugs, milka :)

  6. OH MY GOSH!! I LOVE BUTTONS!!! when i was little my grandma had a tin full of them and i swear i could entertain myself for hours with them! but i never saw any that looked as pretty as yours!! i love them they are AH-mazing!! :)

  7. Hi Tete ~ What a Beautiful Button Collection.... I was so excited when My Daughter asked me to Bubbie Sit tonight, that meant I could be on her computer ~ Yippy for the Internet ! ! ! the kids are all in bed & I am trying to catch up on several days of Missed Emails, Etsy & of Course, Blogging.... I sold several items today on E, so I hope I will be back Online Mid Week ~ Take Care Dear Friend, Miss Ya xox Cheryl

  8. Oh Tete, I love these old buttons. My mom had several jars of very old buttons including some that belonged to my Great Grandma and some from outfits we wore as children. But sadly, they disappeared when she passed away. We suspect a cleaning lady took my mom's large sewing basket and the buttons were in there. Thank you for sharing your collection. Blessings, Nan

  9. Awesome buttons! I love collections buttons and you have some real beauties there. I'm so glad you dropped by my blog last night, I've been anxioulsy waiting for your party but I didn't even realize it's the 14th already, the days are going by so fast. Thanks for hosting!!!

  10. Don't you just appreciate the beauty in such a small thing!!

  11. Hi Tete,
    thank you for visiting my blog and leaving that nice comment. Your vintage button collection is stunning. Buttons are like jewelry. When I was a child I loved to play with the buttons my mother stored in her sewing case. She had lots of them because she always saved the buttons before she trashed clothes. I sorted them for colors and sizes and I played they were schoolkids and had to sit in rowes and so on. I have a lot of nice memories to buttons. Now I have also a big case of old buttons. And when I will get grandkids, I hope they want to play with them. Thank you for showing your wonderful collection.
    Greetings, Johanna

    P.S.: I love cats as well.


Bless your little pea picking heart for leaving a comment! You are so sweet!