Wednesday, November 24, 2010

Can you believe it?... I can't, I did it again...

I changed my background...
then I couldn't download images for over an hour!...
they must have been working on it...
but before I scamper off to bed...
here are four backgrounds for  you to use...
I have been sitting on these for quite some time now...
I can't believe I'm still up!...
there's still much to do tomorrow...
and I know I will have to take a nap...


  1. This pictures are just gorgeous... so Christmasy and cozy! I particularly like the one of the room - the Xmas Tree and fireplace. It's still in the 70's here so I have to rely on such images to really feel that cozy Christmas feeling I must admit to loving!
    So sorry you couldn't sleep! I have to force myself to stay away from the computer when that happens otherwise my eyes just don't work to read the next day!
    Much thanks though for what you did here though - it really is lovely!

  2. I think you're crazy........... but I still love ya!

  3. Beautiful new background Tete, I LOVE it! I have not learned how to do backgrounds yet but I want to try this weekend so I can give my blog a Christmasy look. I've had the worst time sleeping lately, ever since the time changed last month. Have a great day and take a nap. :)

  4. Too excited for the coming xmas? Or the return of your camera? ;))

  5. I love that you are always changing your background. Me? I'm afraid to touch mine for feat I will lose it forever! lol I love the 3rd one down the best-It is what I always imagine Christmas looks like SOMEWHERE! Hope you got some sleep sometime! Hugs-Diana


Bless your little pea picking heart for leaving a comment! You are so sweet!