Wednesday, November 24, 2010

The answer to your comments...

I have been thinking about doing this for awhile...
so when I get my camera back...
I will do a post on how to change your back grounds...
step by step...
so what you need to do is to start looking for the back ground you want...
and there are plenty of free places to get them...
put those in your favorites so when it comes time...
you will have them...
also, if you want...
find a header or banner...
the thingy at the top of the post...
that matches...
but you do not need this if you don't want it...
and if you have any problems....
and you trust me...
I can go in and fix it for you...
I will have you send me your sign in information to an older post that has to be moderated...
(so no one else can see it)
and I will hop on over and tweek...
if you need places to go to find back grounds...
leave me a comment and I will make a list sometime this week and post it...

and to NanaDiana...
(you crazy girl)
who thinks I should have posted my tighty whities for White Wednesday...
if- BIG if here...
I could have gotten them to fit on my scanner bed...
which is kinda small to start with...
I do not think the world is ready for me to post my granny panties...
but I will tell you they are Hanes full briefs...
no bikinis...
no thigh cuts...
just plain old granny panties...
and they are all different colors and prints!
and, NO, I am not paying for anyone's therapy now...
but what I can offer you is this...
3 random pairs of my socks...
my happy socks...
so there you go...
now, you all get back to work...
people are coming tomorrow...
for Pete's sake...


  1. Ooooohhh. I am so excited with your tutorial that is coming up. If someone tells me how to do something I am usually (note I said usually) good at following directions...AND I'm blond!!!

    Love the socks-glad you didn't scan in the undies...then I would picture you wearing that particular pair every time you post. Now, I can picture you in at least 3 different pairs of socks and won't even THINK about what underwear might accompany them! Bwhahahahah! xxoo Diana

  2. Too, too funny about the Granny panties! I don't think you mentioned thongs in your post! The only thongs you will catch me wearing are on my feet! That's what we called 'flip flops" when I was growing up! So glad that you will be doing a post on changing our backgrounds! I've been trying to change mine, but NO luck! It just doesn't work! I even went over to my sister's for help, and she couldn't figure it out! So a big thanks in advance! I can't wait!
    Hope you and your family have a wonderful Thanksgiving! We were going to my sisters house, but they have the flu, so it's just hubby and I and one big turkey!!


Bless your little pea picking heart for leaving a comment! You are so sweet!