Wednesday, November 24, 2010

It's back!

fresh off of the Fed Ex truck...
I'm back and running!
just in time to show you our wonderful freezing rain...
it's 34 out...
and it should warm up a bit more before it goes back down again...
the roads seem ok...
ground is still warm...
bridges will be iffy...
would rather have snow...
every one of you is safe and that any travelers will get to where they need to be without mishap...
notice the grass is greening up and the violets are coming back...
back to work...


  1. I know your thankful to have your camera back! Glad I can keep up on the weather at home from you!

    May you and your family have a wonderful Thanksgiving......I am thankful I have a new friend like you!

  2. Hi Tete Sweetie...
    What a beautiful share. Looks serene and cold there today. I love it. The drips off your tree by the little bird cage are so awesome. I love it. I am afraid if you set in your porch swing today you might slip and slide a little hu?

    I love looking at the cold through a page, definitely not through a window. I hated the cold winters in Oklahoma. Snowed in and cold, and it was horrible. I don't miss it, just the family I had to leave behind.

    I hope you and your family have a wonderful Thanksgiving Sweetie. I am so thankful for our friendship. You give me so much happiness when I visit.

    Many hugs and SO much love, Sherry

  3. What a beautiful view you have from your windows, Tete - even with the freezing rain! :) So glad that you've got your early Christmas present! lol! Have a blessed Thanksgiving!

    xoxo laurie

  4. Glad you got your camera...I would have hated to have you whining all day long on Thanksgiving!;>) lol We are supposed to get that same rain here this evening maybe mixed with some snow.

    I hope your evening is wonderful and that your tomorrow is even better! Hugs-Diana

  5. Happy Thanksgiving to you. The left hand column on your side bar just jumped out at me. I came by at the right time. God is good.



Bless your little pea picking heart for leaving a comment! You are so sweet!