Friday, November 26, 2010


we didn't get pics yesterday...
so here's what's left...
just wanted to share this little thing that my in-laws started...
on ham, after it's cooked with pine apple and brown sugar...
they would put cherry pie filling on top...
we all love it that way now...
so this year, Craig did the shopping...
and he got the wrong thing...
just a can of cherries...
so I talked DH through cooking them down with corn starch and sugar...
they are even better this way...
so if you have never tried this...
please do...
you will not be disapointed...
and we had to clear places to eat on the table already...
christmas cards, address book, ornaments and fudge...
ham and eggs for breakfast tomorrow...
one of our favorite things...
with hash browns and maybe some white gravy...
but I can't feed them too good...
they won't be able to move...
and there's decorating to do!...
Tia- come on over and help with the lights!...

1 comment:

  1. LOL-I put pineapple rings with a cherry in the center on the top of my ham to make it pretty. I'll bet it tastes good with the cherry filling. Don't get them too full or your "elves" will all be sleeping! xxoo Diana


Bless your little pea picking heart for leaving a comment! You are so sweet!