Thursday, November 11, 2010


Moses had a wonderful night...
he has had a hard last couple of days...
he had to say good bye to his mommy...
she just wasn't able to take care of him anymore...
so she gave him a haircut without her glasses on...
it's not good and we think the short short areas are where he was matted so...
please pray for her for making the choice to find him a new home...
it had to be so hard on her...
because he has been loved..,
and cuddled...
he had some moments when he was so scared and shook...
but by bedtime he was playing...
eating and drinking...
trying to play with the cats...
playing with Bebe...
he got anxious when I was in the shower...
so I had to finish my shower with the door open on the shower...
so he could see me...
when bedtime came...
I picked him up and took him with me...
he picked his spot between me and dh- shoulder high...
curled up in a ball and went right to sleep...
when I am on the computer...
he sits right on the desk and keeps me company...
Craig said to tell you he is a licker...
puppy kisses for everyone...
I told my dh that he is a rescue and we are fostering...
for now...
his first words in the door were- we aren't keeping him...
those are always his first words...
but I think he knows me well enough...
he knows Moses will be here a long time...
as long as it continues to work out...
anytime we bring someone new in...
it has to be a good thing for all who live here...
my other babies are family now and this is their home...
I do not want them upset or not happy...
so we are still on a trial run...
and I know Moses is highly adoptable...
on a scale of 1-10 he is a 12...
we have had so many animals go through here on their way to their forever homes and we try to do what's right for each one...
there are always ones that you want to keep but it's not right for them...
the only trouble I have had so far is when dh was on the puter last night...
I was trying to read my magazines at the table...
Moses sits on the table when I am there...
he likes the magazines, too...
curled right up on top of a page and went to sleep...
maybe when he is not so clingy and more sure of his surroundings...
he will be happy without me so much...
hugs to you and thanks for all the positive comments on Moses...


  1. Oh Tete -my heart goes out to everyone-especially the lady that had to give him up and little Moses. I do hope that you can be a forever home for him-so many homes is not good-but God will show you what is right. When I look at these little fellows-it makes my heart melt to know that they can't really tell us what's going on.

  2. Oh Tete-You are such a good soul! I know that you will not get rid of him unless you absolutely have to. God bless that baby AND you! Hugs-Diana


Bless your little pea picking heart for leaving a comment! You are so sweet!