Thursday, November 4, 2010

the promise...

God sent a rainbow this afternoon...
the promise of a better day...
I am doing better...
and plan on spending the evening hopping among you...
we are getting some sprinkles here..
I had a very good nap this afternoon...
I want to thank my best friend, Rebecca the great...
for listening and checking on me...
we spent a couple hours at least on the phone today...
today is her day off and she had so much she wanted to get done...
but she spent a lot of it with me...
a lot of the times we just put each other on speaker...
and we continue to do whatever we're doing...
we blog together and read your posts together...
and sometimes, we each are doing our own thing...
not talking...
just being there...
and she understands how much Georgie means to me...
thanks girly for having my back...
you know I got yours...
and to the blogging buddies I love so much...
thank you...
I have found my peace now...
and I'm back...
this was my therapy today...
a new look on the mantel...
which I will post on Sunday for the blog party...
it contains a collection...
one of my favorite things...
have a great evening and stay warm...


  1. I'm so sorry for you Tete. It will take a while, they are family after all! You are so lucky to have Rebecca in your life...

  2. Hang in there. A rainbow does brightened a person's day. Love your decos.
    God Bless,

  3. Hi Tete,
    I am sure you have heard of the Rainbow Bridge. That brought me lots of comfort when I lost my first cocker spaniel 7 years ago. Some people don't believe that animals don't go to heaven. Well, I personally believe they do! Why would God give us such dear animal friends that we could never see again. Sending big hugs!

  4. Hi Tete, I still feel sad for you. I understand so well. I've had so many cats and I've lost them to so many heartbreaking things. Time will heal but you sure never forget any of them. There are certain kitties that I miss so much even after 20 years.
    Just stopped in to check on you and see how you are doing...
    More hugs to you,

  5. I am glad that you are feeling a bit better, Tete. It is okay to grieve and miss and long for. I still miss my little MistyCat and it has been 2 years. Hugs and sweet dreams tonight- Diana

  6. Someday there will be no more pain, no more tears, no more death-where we will be reunited with family, friends and yes-pets-all to live out God's plan in eternity! Still thinkin about you-call if you need!


Bless your little pea picking heart for leaving a comment! You are so sweet!