Thursday, November 4, 2010

Thank you so much...

for every kind word and for every single prayer this morning...
 it's just so sad when you have to give them back...
it's been a hard morning...
and the only place for me to find comfort is in the arms of God...
so that's where I have been most of today...
and I may need to hang out there just a little bit longer...
just the other night...
when Georgie and I were cuddling...
I was telling him about how my mom would love him so...
and I told him all about her...
so I know he's in her lap right now...
loving every minute of it...
and poor Mr. Wiggles did his very best to keep me company this morning...
even in the bathroom...
which was Georgie's job...
it's just not going to be the same...
but one door never shuts without another one opening...
so there's another soul out there that's going to need a mama...
that's how it always works...
I will get around to visiting you all later...
just not in the mood, you know?...
so I'm just going to go back to where I feel safe...
because I'm not any stronger than anyone else...
I just know where to lean...


  1. A great big warm hug for you tonight, Tete. My heart is still aching for your loss. Hugs- Diana

  2. I am so sorry, Tete. My prayers go out to you and your family.
    Hugs, Beth


Bless your little pea picking heart for leaving a comment! You are so sweet!