Saturday, November 27, 2010

Thank you, thank you, thank you...

for all your kind words and the time you took to leave me a comment the last few days...
been busier than a bed bug at a Best Western...
got to keep the guys moving while I got them here...
for Monday I will be on my own again...
I had a sausage biscuit with a side of gravy to dunk it in...
for those wondering...
and all it did was make me sleepy, so I took a nap...
actually, I had to take 2 today...
I am pupt! ( my mother's way of spelling it)...
we have only cracked open 5 totes...
there are more...
they are not coming out...
we are decked and I won't miss it...
I have enough to decorate many houses...
there is still a huge tree in storage...
I have gotten to a few of your blogs to check you out and I am amazed at all the talent out there and all the ideas!...
I will get to the rest as I find time...
I promise!
Hugs and blessings to you all- Tete

1 comment:

  1. Bless your heart, Tete! You can stop decorating at any point you feel you have enough out, I think. I have stuff packed away that I am not putting out this year either. Hope you got all done that you wanted to while your "men" were home! Hugs- Diana


Bless your little pea picking heart for leaving a comment! You are so sweet!