Sunday, November 28, 2010

What a night...

DH and Bebe taking a much needed break...
Moses kissing Craig...
brand new pink ornaments that DH found at the Dollar General...
5 bucks for glass...
not bad...
we have 1 aluminum trees...
one I bought out of a ladies van when I worked at the antique mall...
this one...
and we have my father in law's tree...
in the box...
Craig and Tia put the ornaments on the tree and I dug them out of the tubs...
Steve handed me all the hooks...
left overs...
had to clean up all the needles...
yeah- fake trees drop them, too...
kitchen tree at night...
still some more to do...
I used to even put trees in my bathroom...
when I was younger and could still move...
I got to counting trees around here...
5 big ones...
6 little ones...
2 metal ones...
there may be more hidden away...
I have given at least 6 big ones away...
I used them all when I did shows and had booths everywhere...
and tubs of garland...
but most of it just wore out...
and we had to buy new 2 years ago...
well, gotta run...
I have to get something ready for the newspaper for Christmas Is A Child...
the last week!...
distribution is on the 3rd and 4th and then I'm done!


  1. your tree looks so pretty....anxious to get ours up!

  2. Everything looks so cozy and warm at your house Tete. Love how the soft glow your lights make me want to curl up on the sofa and just enjoy it all.
    Have a wonderful Sunday!
    Love ya.

  3. Beautiful pictures my friend. What a joy to stop by this morning.

    I linked to your PS post yesterday. Congrats on being featured. WONDERFUL, wonderful post!

    Love to you~


  4. I think you should have the pRize for the Most FEstive Home.... Love how the lights turned out in the Kitchen & the Pink glass for $5 ~ WOw..... can you tell that My KEyboard is STicking..... I spilled my coke on it last night OoPs!!!
    Have a GReat SUnday....

  5. It looks wonderful, Tete! Make sure you don't eat the leftovers-Bwhahahahaha. I like your bright pink glass ornaments. Very pretty! Have a good night- xxoo Diana


Bless your little pea picking heart for leaving a comment! You are so sweet!