Sunday, November 28, 2010

the upper shelf of the computer desk...

cookie cutters from ebay last winter...
marked down...
new silver candlesticks from free cycle box...
doily turned flower frog to hold picks and things...
chicken eating glass acorns...
tarnished silver napkin holder with big letter name vintage postcards...
the first one says Daddie...
a candle greenery piece that the hole is too small for a candle stick to fit through...
my snowman candle guy that Rebecca found for me...
and 2 of many of these little nutcrackers that she gave me for Christmas a few years back!...
another napkin holder with cookie cutters...
glass balls in short silver candle sticks look like gazing balls...
Christmas picks that I got in an arrangement 16 years ago...
I recycle everything, you know...
another cookie cutter...
a country bow in black and tan...
and a silver and crystal angel...
and there you go...

it was quite a night here last night...
my oldest showed up at 2am...
massive ear ache...
I went to bed at 1 but hadn't gotten to sleep yet...
he was bad...
did what mom's do and tucked  him in...
all in bed by 4:30am...
thinking he is going to the ER when we all get up again...
6:30 we are up and he is so much better!...
back to bed around 8:30am...
back up at noon...
clean, pack away clutter, more decorating, fix Craig's outside mess of  lights...
forgot to eat...
until 1pm...
breakfast was at 4:30am...
I can't do that...
bad me...
I can hardly move my arms...
the next couple of days are going to be bad...
Steve got one of my physical therapies done...
they are helping...
my own program...
but it's going to take time...
my goal is to be on my feet again by spring...
have a great day of rest before the madness begins again tomorrow...


  1. I will go and hunt up my Christmas decorations in the next couple days. I usually don't start till the first week in December. I should've gotten them out of the cold garage when we had that warm spell!!! I love the little things on your shelf and your trees are beautiful!!!!

  2. Tete, you’ve done so much. I feel like a wimp compared to you. I started with a bang and then got a little lazy. I will get there though. All your decorations are beautiful. You did a great job lady :)

  3. Oh- I am sorry that you are suffering again, Tete. I am praying for you to get on your feet again too. I love to come here and see all your "stuff". Hugs-Diana


Bless your little pea picking heart for leaving a comment! You are so sweet!