Wednesday, December 1, 2010

Pay It Forward...

There is a thing going around on FB...
and I thought it was such a good idea...
for today, December 1st...
It's Pay It Forward Day

all you need to do is one act of kindness to a total stranger...
pay for someone's coffee...
buy someone's lunch...
if you can offered it...
do more...
who ever is in line with you at the store...
add it to your bill...
you know there is always someone standing there with a loaf of bread or a gallon of milk...
what ever you end up doing...
smile, tell them Merry Christmas and to Pay It Forward!


  1. Wonderful Idea ~ wouldn't Life be wonderful, if we All Cared More about Our Neighbors....

  2. I do that often when I do the Starbucks drive through. Pay for the person after me and tell the cashier to tell them to smile during the day when they think about it! Great idea-Diana


Bless your little pea picking heart for leaving a comment! You are so sweet!