Wednesday, December 1, 2010

Winter with a twist...

I have been playing around with my photo editor...
and some photos that were too dark to do anything with...
came out kind of funky...
not my normal style...
but still cool...
that's #2...
only 23 more to go...
this could be a long winter...
I'm working on 3 more TP rolls and then I'm cleaning up my mess...
putting my supplies up...
and taking the table back so we can eat our meals there again...
there is room just for 2 right now...
things are going ok here...
hope you are ok, too!


  1. I like what you did to the pics that were dark, Tete! Very nice.
    We have snow here too...loving it!

  2. It snowed at home? drats... I want some! LOL

  3. your pictures actually look like as if i were actually looking right at the pretty tree Tete!!! stay warm! :)

  4. Hi Tete,
    You are way ahead of me as far as photo editing! Love your pretty shots! We had some snow today, too but it didn't stick around. I'm not a snow person, but I must admit that this first snowfall was pretty! And it was glittery, too!:)

  5. Tete- Your edited pictures are wondeful. I wouldn't even know where to start. We had our first snow today. Less than an inch I think. We are usually plowed under with snow by this point! Hugs- Diana

  6. So pretty Tete. I like these photos. They look very vintage :) The snow shots are great too!


Bless your little pea picking heart for leaving a comment! You are so sweet!