Thursday, January 20, 2011

Here we go again...

it's still snowing...
we have between 3-4 inches now...
and then when this gets done...
the wind will pick up tomorrow and blow this stuff everywhere...

hoping all of you are warm and safe...
because I know east of here...
it's worse...
Rebecca and I haven't been getting a lot of comments lately...
and I am beginning to wonder if some of our buddies are without power...
they could be shopping online to get the clearance deals going on out there...
or they could be doing what I should be doing...
cleaning, sorting and purging...
that's happening a little at a time here...
because I don't want to be in here doing spring house cleaning when it finally warms up out there!...
no way...
but where do you begin?
I did get my own number at the antique mall...
got my tags made...
looking for things to go in there...
when Craig can get to town and take out what's in there and replace it with new...
my new number goes into effect on the 1st of next month...
they are also looking for me a place to put my cabinet outside of Rebecca's booth...
hers is so full and she could use the extra room...
but no word on that yet...
and then what comes back here will go on my new blog to sell things!
and I will be getting that started...
cause I got stuff...
too much stuff...
well, it's lunch time for me...
chicken noodle soup...
while we sit here and watch the snow come down...
more later...


  1. 12 inches here and it is still snowing. Keep me posted on how much we get at home! Will check out the booth Sat if I get home!

    I know what you mean about the comments..thought maybe my posts had gotten boring or something :(

    stay warm and enjoy your soup!

    Someone just came by and cleaned out my drive, thank goodness I am headed to work at 0430 IN AM!

  2. Hope this snow doesn't last as long as the others. Take care.

  3. Snowing here again! Sure is pretty to look at but I would rather be looking at green grass!!


Bless your little pea picking heart for leaving a comment! You are so sweet!