Thursday, January 20, 2011

one of my favorite things...

well, maybe more than one...
kisses and taking pictures...
this one is low light with no flash...
now this has more light...
still no flash...
without the flash you lose your auto focus...
so you have to have a steady hand or a tripod...
not every shot is going to make the grade...
so take several of each angle...
at different ranges...
play around with it...
if they don't come out...
and do it again...
play around with different backgrounds...
I use black and white mostly...
they have negative color and will not change the color of the object you are taking...
don't watch through the view finder...
just stick your hand out and click...
and experiment with light...
the softness...
the direction...
uplighting from the side is my favorite...
it casts more shadows...
adds more depth...
taking photos should be fun...
and the better they come out...
the more fun it is...
and the more you want to try for something different...
so come out of your comfort zone...
and remember to shoot away...


  1. Good photos--much better than I could do with no flash! Hugs- Diana

  2. Since you had been better you went around and taken a bunch of photos. Look like you are enjoying it.
    You thought I got a lot of snow? You got more than I did. Ha! I got a few inched. I know we will get more over night. BRRRRRRRRRRR
    Stay warm


Bless your little pea picking heart for leaving a comment! You are so sweet!