Tuesday, January 18, 2011

the melting before the big freeze...

the snowman...
slushy icky stuff...
with beautiful relfections...
and lots of them...
see...snow gone...almost...
gone here...
and here...
cloudy skies and raindrops...
it rained all night...
Mr Wiggles keeping his toes dry...
then he found mud...
my kitchen floor was white...
dismal looking...but green...
all those pretty puddles and standing water will turn to a sheet of ice this evening...
it won't be fun at all...
so since I don't have a pillow tied to my butt...
and I have never had my chair out on ice...
I just can't picture that one ending up good...
I'm staying in...
stay warm and stay upright...


  1. Love the music to go along with your slippery post. Your Mr. Wiggles looks like he is a cat that would like to be held and patted. Beautiful pictures..the reflections are my favorite.

  2. Slip sliding away..perfect music! Mr Wiggles is a smart boy...too bad you couldn't train him to wipe his paws at the door. No ice rolling tonight, Tete- behave yourself and stay in! Hugs-Diana

  3. We have matching driveways. I went to get my mail and about fell on my butt. It looked all melted, but it was just covered in water.

  4. ugh...we woke up this morning to ice covered everything. Pretty but also very very bad. The weatherman said the sun would come out by noon and melt every thing. Well guess what....it didn't happen...ha! I had to go out today and fortunately the roads were fine but it was a cold dreary dismal day. Hope you try the bread pudding sweet Tete. xoxo

  5. Oh no you didn't wash that floor before he came back in..LOL. Yep, it was an icy day here in WNY. SOme of the local schools were closed.
    HOpe things are well with you.
    Take care and watch out for that icy ground.


Bless your little pea picking heart for leaving a comment! You are so sweet!