Thursday, January 13, 2011

Our winter blues...

from 1 to 17 degrees today...
Donnie, trade you for your balmy 50 today...
and I'm calling no take backs...
the snow is sparkly...
if I didn't know better...
I would think Donna came by and dumped glitter all over...
she would do that, you know...
she's just that determined to cure me of my phobia...
but it ain't working...
Gail, I hope you get your groove back soon...
but I think that's what winter is about...
a rest time...
not just for the plants, but for us, too...
Diana and Shirley have way more snow and they seem happily adjusted...
Diana does have the cutest rugrats and a warped personality...
and if Shirley is stuck inside with Rocky...
she has the most beautiful kitchen and dining room redo to hang out in...
I wish we could all grab our wagons and have a winter parade...
like we used to do when we were kids...
or we could go sledding...
Rebecca has the hill and enough sleds for everyone...
we could build a bon fire in her backyard...
and drink gallons of hot chocolate and hot apple cider...
we could swap mittens and laugh until our sides hurt...
Amy, Pam, Julie, Cheryl and all the others would be having the best of time...
and Kara and her OCD, would be adjusting each snow flake as it came down...
we would tell stories of summers past and Beth would be helping us all design the gardens we could only dream about, cause she's so good at it...
everyone from blogworld would be there...
too many to name...
and all the winter blues would only be the color of the sky...

it started out being the best day that I have had in a year!
then I let Craig get to me and got upset and made myself sick...
it could be that he is totally annoying when he wants to be...
and it could be the winter blahs...
I have spent the evening praying and sleeping it off...
I was a miss cranky pants...
it doesn't happen often...
and I hate when it does...
and winter just feels so long anymore...
I cannot go out in the cold...
so I suppose I could have cabin fever...
I could just need a good swift kick in the butt...
it could be that someone put glitter all over my snow...
and it just could be that I let the devil win today...
for awhile...
but I got his number and sent him packin'...
don't need him stickin' his nose in here...
I just need to snuggle closer to God and ride it out...
and if he brings a sled...
that's ok with me...
he turned water into wine...
so I'm sure turning it into hot chocolate will be no problem at all...
and instead of baskets of bread and fishes...
I'm putting in an order of smores...
I think he would approve of the menu change...
have a good night...
Hugs- Tete


  1. Great Post Dear Friend, No Sledding for Me, but I can hold the purses & pour the Hot Chocolate or Hot Apple Cider, I may even bring the Cinnamon sticks..... Still having Computer problems if you know what I mean, they want $195. that's Not going to be happening anytime soon ~ I was hoping it would get me motivated, but I think it is doing the opposite - Hate to even think the "D" word for feeling Blue, but I just can't seem to get moving... Been so tired & Cold! I Need you & All the other positive Peeps in My Life on a Daily basis! No, I have not made my God Box yet, but right now I am going to start just a plan box & put in a few God Requests! I can decorate it later..... Thanks for the Friendly Reminder
    Miss ya, Love ya..... xox Sleep well

  2. Wonderful post Girl-love how you included all the girls-Love to have you all over for that bonfire!

  3. HEY- Who you calling warped? Huh? Huh? I resemble that remark. I think this whole group ought to get together-eat lots of good food and share a ton of laughs...can you imagine? lol Hugs- Diana

  4. NanaDiana- you know I love you and I said warped in the warmest of ways...LOL

  5. Definitely sounds like cabin fever. This was one cute post Tete. Have a blessed day sweetie.


Bless your little pea picking heart for leaving a comment! You are so sweet!