Thursday, January 13, 2011

Would you believe?...

no one wanted to get up this morning?...
snoring away...
dreaming of dog biscuits...
I'm sure...
so I snuck around...
and documented it...
then they finally got up...
and the cleaning began...
and on my break time...
I did a small photo shoot...
I put my cheese dome here with roses and a yucca seed pod...
found 2 brown ornaments and decided it wasn't worth dragging out the Christmas boxes again...
so they are going to hang out here for awhile longer...
there's still more to do and then lunch...
and then a nap...
cause it's kinda nippy out there again today...
but we have a warm day coming on Saturday...
says it will be 34 whole whoppin' degrees...
and I hope some of this white stuff melts off...
there is so much to do and have no clue where to start at...
still have a few more photos to sort and scan...
I still need to come up with a PINK SATURDAY post...
have no clue on that either...
maybe it's time to drag out some old magazines and see what I can find to inspire me...
you all have a good day and stay warm...
and those of you in warmer climates...
soak up some rays for me, too...


  1. Oh me too! I have had such a hard time getting up lately. It has been so, so cold, I just want to stay under the blankies. And don't you hate it when you find decorations after everything has been put away. Every year I always manage to find a few things that grew legs and escaped being shipped off to the attic. Have a wonderful weekend Tete! xxoo Nan

  2. Hi Tete-I have been so uninspired lately! Maybe a new or an old magazine will do it. This winter just seems to be a tough one. Between the cold and the snow, there's no thrifting, no estate sales....BOOORING!
    I'm inspired to take a nap after looking at all those comfy pictures in your post!

  3. We have 50 degrees right now and it is lovely. Sounds like you all got a lot done.

  4. Well, I'll have you know that THIS ONE (me) wasn't sleeping in late and snoring. No sireee...THIS ONE was up at 4:15 and out the door to work. For my next stint I have the EXTRA early shift and have to get up at 3:00AM to be there to open the doors at 4:15...whooppeee...can't wait for THAT!

    Anyway- I am glad SOMEONE could sleep in...In my next life I hope to come back as a big, fat pampered housecat. Amen~ xxoo Diana

  5. You sleep late and wake early (i guess). Nice shots of the sleepyheads ;)

  6. I could sleep like that everyday in the winter. I think I am half bear. Love the cheese dome--looks great!


Bless your little pea picking heart for leaving a comment! You are so sweet!