Sunday, January 16, 2011

The rest of the story...

my dad's parents with my sister...
when mom had Kathy, they whisked her away quickly...
so mom knew something was wrong...
and she kept asking...
"What's wrong with my baby?"...
when they did finally tell her...
she said a prayer...
and she only asked for one thing...
she said...
"Lord, I know she's not mine to keep...
but could you let me have her for just one year?"...
Kathy had weighed over 6 pounds when she was born...
but in 3 days, she was below 5...
and like I said...
the nurses scrambled to come up with enough blankets to make up the weight on the scale so they could take her home for a little while...
my mom always looked at it like a bonus...
she asked for 12 and got 13...
she got 30 more days than she had asked for...
my mom was always like that...
and when my sister died, it was on August 2nd...
and my mom and dad's anniversary was on the 7th...
mom had had to go to bed to carry Kathy in the last part of her pregnancy...
so when she got pregnant with me...
she was working...
and the doctor advised her to quit and take it easy...
and she said...
"Nope.  I'm ether going to carry that baby on my feet or not."
because she said, her body knew something was wrong the first time...
and she was either going to carry a strong, healthy baby this time or give it back sooner...
"It's harder to give them back once you have held them in your arms."
she had zero problems carrying me...
on her feet, working full time, until her 8th month...
my sister's stone marking her grave in  Ohio...
see the lamb...
that's why I collect little lambs...
my parents were married in August...
Kathy died in August...
and I was born in August...
and when my mom died...
one of my first thoughts were...
she's rocking Kathy...
it was Kathy's turn to have mom...
because they could never hold or rock her much...
she couldn't get enough air if you held her to your chest...
they always had to hold her out and away from them...
or just watch her as she laid in her crib...
she would turn blue so easy...
in my parents and grandparents eyes...
Kathy was perfect...
she was a gift...
and Kathy's special gift from God...
was that she changed lives forever...
and she was never forgotten...
and yes, I have met her...
through my mom's heart...
and they lived happily ever after...
now that's a happy ending...


  1. Dear Tete,
    I awoke to the sun coming up with it making the pure white snow glisten so softly as I looked out the window. Then I logged on to see what was new for the day ahead. The first blog visit is here with you, and I truly say, this post, is going to make my day giving all I can to my family and friends. The love your parents gave to your beautiful sister was a love that last's beyound life on earth. Thank you for sharing your heart with us!

  2. I am so glad that you told us the rest of that story, such a picture of sweet, pure love.

  3. Thanks for sharing Tete...What a wonderful and moving post today. We all walk through so many lows and highs in our Pilgrim's Progress...what will we face around the bend...what temptations will call out to us from the side of the road...what roadblock or bridge will we come to and have to conquer or cross to stay on the right path....NO detours...
    Your mom and dad's strength in that one part of the journey is inspiring. Thanks for sharing. I clicked on the wheelchair to read more about you. I have another bloggy sister who suffers with fibro. (my sister does too). I am going to tell Dianna to come over and visit...She can identify with your challenges..Thank you for visiting. Hugs to you for today....One day at a time..God's grace is sufficient for today.

  4. Tete- I am just overcome with emotion after reading this post. God has a special place for your family after all they went through. It's amazing how people recover and go on with normal lives and no one really ever knows the depths of heartache some suffer.

    Bless you you blessed me here- Hugs- Diana

  5. Oh my, that is so sad. I can not imagine losing a child. Especially a baby. What a loving family you have.


Bless your little pea picking heart for leaving a comment! You are so sweet!