Sunday, January 16, 2011

Sunday happenings...

Mr Wiggles playing in the pop box...
we have found raising babies...
that these are the best toys for cats...
and after each litter, we throw them away...
he thinks he's hid...
pay no attention to my 80's country blue carpet, please...
I have plans for a hardwood floor in here if things would just cooperate...
so, today was the day we decided to break this thing in...
it comes with a recipe and helpful hint book...
so we decided on apple cinnamon muffins...
and in 3-5 minutes...
they are done...
but we have figured out we need little cupcake papers...
so the next time we do these it will be a lot easier to get them out and we can do so many in just a half hours time...
the guys made brownies last night after I went to bed...
I had DH pick up a can of cream cheese icing..
which is really good on the muffins and its amazing on the brownies...
these brownies are so moist!...
so now they have junk food...
so while I was sitting at the table waiting for the muffins to cook...
I took a couple extra pictures...
so, I would highly recommend this cupcake maker to anyone...
we just set it on the table and sat around and made muffins and talked and laughed...
it would be great for grandma's with kids who like to help...
I like the smaller portions...
I can grab one or two and be fine with that...
the guys can grab more...
we have them all under a cake dome...
and DH opened the lid awhile ago and filled the house with the smell of chocolate, apple and cream cheese...
what a combination!

I do need a prayer warrior. Her name is Nannette. She is critically ill following colon surgery. She was moved to a hospital in Savannah, Ga. Please pray that she will be able to breathe without the ventilator and retain good vital signs for heart and kidney function. Many thanks.
in a comment on one of my posts...
and there is no blog to find and a noreply email...
so I couldn't go and leave her a comment or find out anything more...
so Connie, she will be in my prayers...
I put in a note in my God Box for her...
and all my blogging buddies now will know to pray for her, too...
God's blessings to you and Nannette...


  1. I just saw one of those cupcake makers for the first time the other day. You'e right- it would be a perfect gramma and kiddo project.

    I am sending up a prayer for Nannette. God bless and protect her. Hugs- Diana

  2. Beautiful Cupcakes...can smell them all the way to Mass..Yummy!

    Prayers being said for Nannette. May God do what is best!

  3. I've never seen one of those cupcake things. Very cool. I just made corn muffins the other day. They would be good to make in there. I'm thinking if they are smaller then you have more cunchy areas to the muffins. I'll have to check them out at the store tomorrow.

  4. They look delicious! My grandson would have a ball with this. I'm going to look for one.

    Sending up prayers for Nanette's healing.


Bless your little pea picking heart for leaving a comment! You are so sweet!