Wednesday, February 2, 2011

Our ice storm...

here are the rest of the photos from yesterday...
Craig took 67 photos...
we really have enough to document this winter in the scrapbook for sure...
we lost power once...
for about 15 seconds and then it came back on...
the sleet stopped and then it started again before changing to rain...
between 6-10pm the temperature kept rising...
but now the temperature is back down...
I have 25 right now...
the winds are calm...
it is snowing now...
on top of 3 inches of ice and sleet...
Rebecca left me a comment that they lost power again...
she will call me when it is back on...
she has a wood burning stove in her parlor...
we heard on the late news that some counties have closed all the roads in their counties...
some parts of the interstates are closed...
at least with ice and sleet, when the winds were high, it didn't blow around and drift or cause a white out...
these photos are the neighbor's lots...
there are many limbs down from those beautiful elm trees...
they are so old...
in the summer, when the sun is setting...
the leaves sparkle and glisten...
the guys are going to go out tomorrow when they can see better to check our trees again...
I know we are going to have some broken limbs...
I can't wait till this all melts off and it's all behind us...
I prayed for God's protection during the storm...
and I asked for angels to hold up the power lines and poles so we wouldn't lose power...
and I asked for angels to protect our home and property...
and we have been safe...
thank you, Lord...
welp, I'm holed up until spring and signing off for now...


  1. Craig has a real talent for photography. The swing with the frozen chain was one I really liked the most. Wish you all didn't have that ice to capture on the camera. Remember when we used to say "capture on film"'t know what to say with a digital camera a now. Stay safe and warm.

  2. The only word that kept coming out as I scrolled. was I am thinking about my man as I actually see what a real WINTER storm can do with snow - ice - snow - ice...It is beautifully amazing what Nature and winds can do...and cold air...The photos are amazing...worth a thousand words???? but here I sit WOW...Stay warm Tete. I will close with a prayer for you to have heat and safety...Hugs to you bloggy sis...

  3. You know, that kid of yours has a really good eye for taking photos! There are some GREAT shots here.

    I am working today so this is short and sweet. Have a warm safe day! Hugs- Diana


Bless your little pea picking heart for leaving a comment! You are so sweet!