Saturday, February 5, 2011

What we woke to this morning...

so much for the forecast of a dusting...
there is a field behind there...
this is a white out...
without any wind...
can you find the bunny?...
look by the fence...
oops, there he is again...
it is still snowing like crazy!
from a dusting to up to 4 inches of snow this morning before noon...
it was still dark enough the flash was going off...
capturing the snow flakes as  they came down...
our security light is still on...
it is a very wet snow, so Robbie had to wear his coat...
but it was hard to get him to stand still...
see- he is catching snowflakes on his tongue...
this may bring down some more limbs...
it's wet and heavy on top of the ice...
I think I will wait a little longer before I sit out here...
did you wake to any surprises this morning?...
everyone east of Illinois...
heads up...
coming your way...
you know how I love to share...


  1. Aren't you the lucky one, Tete?! Well, you can just keep all of that snow out there, we have enough here, thank you very much! Little Robbie looks just adorable in his coat! Now you just need to teach him how to make snow angels!!

  2. That was good picture taking in order to catch that bunny photo op. Loved Robbie's coat.

  3. I checked "Sad" cause I'm sad for all the trees and limbs that are taking it hard from Mother Nature these days... I FOUND THE BUNNY! How cute! Your doggie is precious..

    YES! I woke up to a wonderful surprise on my feeders this morning.. A red cardinal! The one I've been patiently waiting for to visit! But, by the time I screamed, "OH and ran to grab my camera he flew away".. He'll be back and I'll be ready, I just know it!

  4. I do believe this is the snow that is coming our way...I dont know where we are going to put any more of this...this...this...darn snow!

    Love the pictues..

  5. OH Tete...all SO beautiful..and yet I am NOT envious or jealous AT ALL!!
    I love just looking at it all in photos from far away...Thanks for sharing. I get my fill through your experiences...I don't know what I would do or how I would feel with that much snow on top of snow on top of snow and ICE
    And I am thinking my Dawgs would go happy-crazy!!! Your little boy looks like he doesn't mind so much with his coat on.- looking very sharp there little man...Hugs to you, and goodness...stay warm, girl.

  6. ahh still snowing here so still gonna be snowing there for awhile!

    "storm of historic purportions"= 2"

    "light dusting" = 4 inches


  7. IS EXPECTING !! I know, I know, it's crazy isn't it? I can't believe it myself. I wasn't going to put it on here because it's obvious but wanted to make it official. I mean who would have guessed that we are expecting AGAIN!! Yup it's official.. We are expecting more snow Friday and AGAIN on Monday!! Re-post if you have any sense of humor!

  8. We woke up to thick fog. On the weather last night they were so proud that it got all the way up to 34 yesterday and will be 32's a real heat wave. (it will go back to below zero in a few days again). We have over 60"
    (5" over average) of snow and they say more snow today and tomorrow. No signs of spring in sight here.

  9. This is just the snow that never ends isn’t it? What beautiful photos Tete. I love how the snowflakes were captured. The ones with the bunny are so great and my fave is where he is under the bush--beautiful. I just love your little Robbie, out catching snowflakes on his tongue..too sweet and that little red coat is precious.
    Stay warm lady bug,
    Amy :)

  10. Hi Tete!.....Great pictures! I loved your little Robbie out in the snow...he looks so tiny out there and I am sure he was glad to get back inside!

    We looked just the same as you after the storm blew through here. I hope that is it for the winter....I can handle the little snowfalls, but please, no more big ones!
    Keep warm!

  11. We got another four inches on top of the four inches of ice and four inches of snow when the 'big one' hit us head on! For some silly reason that Mother Nature think we need more. The forecast is not conducive to my plans for an early spring! Heeehehehe!!!

    You pictures and the bunny were marvelous sweetie.

    God bless your weekend sweet one! :o)

  12. I can't believe all the snow and ice you have had! WOW! Craig is doing an impressive job with keeping a visual record of the storm for you. Have a good night- Hugs- Diana


Bless your little pea picking heart for leaving a comment! You are so sweet!