Friday, February 4, 2011

Winter RAINBOW...GOD'S Promise of better things to come...

Craig went out with the dogs this afternoon and came back in so excited...
he said there's a rainbow...
and that it was right over top of us...
which has never happend before...
they are always to the east over the fields...
so I thought he had been hit in the head by a chunk of ice...
until I downloaded these photos...
please enlarge them...
they are awesome...
Bebe and Robbie playing in the snow...
and ice...
and the rest are just more ice photos of this afternoon...
now here's the real thing...
just wonderful...
almost like one of those old time Christmas cards...
this will be a year to remember...
and I was so encouraged by the rainbow...
an ever reminder that God keeps his promises...
and he has promised us so much...
springtime is just one of those...
Hope you all get shoveled out that got dumped on...
hope you all are warm and full...
and I hope you all know that you are loved...
Have a fantastic weekend and enjoy the beauty...


  1. Oh my gosh, I've never seen a winter rainbow!! How wonderful that Craig was at the right place, at the right time. He was meant to see it! And I know how much trouble all this snow has caused so many people, but like your photos show, it can be so beautiful, can't it?!

  2. A rainbow in winter! I love the photos you took of snow and of ice.

  3. Your photos are super! I love the ice forming on those branches and that last photo is spectacular! Blessings to you dear friend! Have a terrific weekend! ANNE

  4. The pictures just get nicer and nicer.. Frozen water.. such sweet splendor when captured with the lens..

  5. so glad the rainbow was right over you! I woke up to 2 more inches this am and it is still coming down! get ready!

  6. What gorgeous photos Craig took. Stay safe and warm.

  7. They do look like old time Christmas cards. I love the of God's special promises. Hugs- Diana


Bless your little pea picking heart for leaving a comment! You are so sweet!