Tuesday, February 1, 2011

the wind has picked up...

out the kitchen window...
but we still have power here...
just talked to Rebecca and they lost power at 8pm last night...
out the front door...
out the living room window...
out the back door...
DH went to work this morning but said he would leave early...
I think he's stupid to even try it...
the other front is just getting here and it is going to get a whole lot worse...
we are hoping for sleet, because it won't stick to the lines and branches...
don't know if we will lost power...
but anything can happen in this stuff...
so, you all hang in there, post when you can....
and pray...

2 Corinthians 12:19
And he said unto me, My grace is sufficient for thee: for my strength is made perfect in weakness. Most gladly therefore will I rather glory in my infirmities, that the power of Christ may rest upon me.


  1. I sure hope you don't lose power Tete, I just said a prayer for you, that you don't:) I always hate to see all of that ice, it can cause so much damage. Well, we only got maybe 1/2" of snow last night, but I have a feeling this is the calm before the storm. Now they are saying 18-20", yikes! So keep warm and hang in there! BTW, it's better to have a "blue light special", than a "red light special":)!

  2. Hi Miss Tete....so glad that you still have power...poor Rebecca...did she come over to stay warm with you?
    Your pics are awesome! even tho the ice is bad, it's still a marvel to see on everything.
    We have sunshine right now, but from what the forcasters say, it's just a teaser.
    I have to admit, I DO love a blizzard(as long as we don't lose power).
    Hunker down, and stay warm.
    Love ya.

  3. I just stopped back by to see an update on your snow doesn't look like you have much yet but I know the worst is yet to come. But again any snow to me is bad. (lol) I hate to drive in it but I do. It's looks like to me a stay at home homemade veggie soup kind of day.I'm getting ready to go to work 3 to 11 today.I would love to stay home.lol Check in with you when I get home tonight. Take care!!!!!

  4. Well Rebecca won't be posting. She can curl up with Eric!

    Just got home...off tomorrow thank goodness, hope your power stays on!


Bless your little pea picking heart for leaving a comment! You are so sweet!