Tuesday, February 1, 2011

Craig finally went outside...

and his photos are awesome...
the radar keeps showing the ice dissipating right before it gets here...
rose of sharon...
milk weed pods...
our old spicket...
tomato cages...
north part of the yard up by the railroad...
our driveway...
the 2 lots across the street...
Charles has beautiful large elm trees...
and they are breaking off...
and my concrete girlie...
so far so good...
still have power and Rebecca called and said the roads were good so she went to her sister in laws and got a shower and just got back home...
she will call when she gets power back on...
but she did get her cell phone charged back up and her IPad...
they said something about us getting thunderstorms later?...
is this weird or what?
by the first of March, things will be so different!
hope you are doing ok!


  1. What great pictures!!!
    Stay warm!!!

  2. Craig captured some true beauty! Wow! So glad you still have power. We have a blizzard going on - no ice, just snow and wind. Take care.
    Blessings, Beth

  3. So glad your power is still on, we are getting tons of sleet. some limbs down but small ones..

    great shots love the one of the tomato cages!

  4. Oh my heavens that is alot of ice! WE just got snow and ice today too! Love your little girl statue!

  5. Glad you still have power, Tete! They are now calling for sleet in the next county over. Hope it misses us! Those pictures are pretty incredible. And I just heard that we are supposed to have "snow lightening"! I've never heard of such a thing, makes me think this will be a storm of biblical proportions!!

  6. Oh- I know that ice can be so deadly but it is SO beautiful too. Your pictures are wonderful...He did a great job with the camera! LOVE them! Hugs- Diana

  7. Holy moly, those are amazing photo's! They really capture how cooooold it is there!!! I feel cold just from looking at them. The concrete girl looks very cold too!

  8. Hi Tete! How are you sweetie?? Sounds like you guys are getting the dangerous ice while we're getting blasted with snow and screaming winds! I think everyone's ready for spring to arrive. Sure hope it hurries up.... :)

    xoxo laurie

  9. Yep, we are going to get that weather here in WNY. THat elm tree looks beautiful. Hope it won't break. WE had that crazy weather back in 2006. Called the "October Surprise". It was, and all our trees branches broke tooo. What a mess. I hope it won't happened to you. Oh, and its got leaves on it too. I don't have any photos of it at that time I didn't have a camera that work and my dad lost all his off his PC. What was he thinking. Download to a disk or get an USB port for photos.Stay warm!

  10. Oh my goodness!! What a icy wonder. Do take care and be safe and warm



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