Monday, March 14, 2011

Daylight Saving's casualty...

see the big space?
my clock...
passed away at 1:55 this afternoon...
he will be sorely missed...
DH changed the time on it Sunday...
it's his job...
and he failed...
to secure it properly...
and while Craig and I were in the kitchen making veggie soup and cleaning up our mess...
there was a bang and glass breaking noises...
and the clock was behind the entertainment center...
it will be replaced...
and DH is paying for it...
I have a few already picked out...
and it's not going to be cheap...
because this happened once before...
and I lived with a broken frame for a couple years...
the pieces, minus the glass, are propped up in his recliner...
so he will see it as soon as he comes in...
may even make a little note saying something like it's time to buy a new clock...
the one I found like this one is $131, so I am going to have some fun scaring him a little...
and then we are going to fire him as the time changer...
we will tease him so much and there will be clock jokes flying around here for weeks...
so if you have any broken clock jokes, leave a comment...
and now the new look in the living room...
and it is a little darker with them closed...
but we will be able to watch tv and movies without the sunspot...
and we can open them when we are not watching tv...
still gloomy out, but green stuff is happening...
and we have so much to do...
starting tomorrow...
can you believe they said we could have S*#@ flurries today?
silly, silly weathermen...
this is as bright as the sun got all day...
it really tried...
but tomorrow will be warmer...
and sunnier...
and it finally got up to 41, but the wind is really chilly...
Craig and I had a goof off day...
I felt really good but I didn't want to do nothing...
we finished the kitchen last night...
today I just wanted to finish up a couple of really small jobs...
and got those done...
we will hit it again tomorrow...
maybe some crafting...
have a couple semi ideas floating around in my pea brain...
need to do something before I forget them...
and I have a problem...
I have a baby blanket that was mine when I was a baby...
but it smells like moth balls...
washed it 1st just with wisk and oxyclean...
still stunk...
then washed it with Mr Clean with Febreeze...
oh, it still smells...
any idea how to get that moth ball smell out...
it has been packed away a good 45 years and my mom used moth balls like you wouldn't believe...
I have thought about vinegar...
baking soda...
but I don't want to wash it very may more times, because it could start falling apart...
so if you have any ideas...
I would appreciate them...

Have a great night...


  1. I can't help with the blanket..I have no idea. Sorry about the clock. It looked like a nice one. Hope you can find a replacement you like as much. Take care.

  2. Oh... sorry about the clock.. I agree.. it's time to get a new clock changer.. lol.

    I found this link online about getting the smell of moth balls out, but it might be tough..

  3. I'd say you are going to "clock him one" when he gets home! Didn't that just "TICK" you off?

    Well, the old rememdy that I know is that you can put straight vodka in a spray bottle and spray it takes the mothball smell away as it dries..and does not leave an alcohol smell. The other one that I used on a coat my kids got when they were little was to put it in a bag with charcoal (making sure it doesn't touch) and then seal it up and let it sit a few days...air out and it is good to go. It can't be the self-starting charcoal though-just the regular old charcoal for a grill.

    Hope that helps. Hugs- Diana

  4. The clock post is hilarious, sorry it is broken, save the parts and re-purpose them, turn them into Art, maybe Garden art? Look forward to your visit tomorrow as I always love hearing from you! Hugs and Happy Clock Hunting! Marilou

  5. Tete, that Galbreath jacket of my dads had been in the cedar chest since WWII and what i did was run it just through the dryer without washing it with a dryer sheet and it worked? no smell. sorry about ur clock


Bless your little pea picking heart for leaving a comment! You are so sweet!