Friday, March 18, 2011

Do not be silent...

a day of silence prayer...
lift up your voices and be heard in Heaven and on Earth...
silence is for the dead...
there's nothing left to be done for them...
how their souls were when they died cannot be changed...
the country did not die...
it is alive and struggling to survive...
take to the throne the children...
the families trying to stay together...
find shelter...
something to eat...
lift your voices up for the broken hearted...
do not forget them and do not let others forget...
and God bless the ones in the nuclear power plants who are knowingly sacrificing their lives to save the lives of others...
to save their country...
and the world...
they know the risks and continue doing their jobs...
they will be the true heroes in the history books...
I had heard men and women who do that sort of thing...
being called dead men walking...

how passive we have become when we allow the word silence to replace the word prayer...
if the word prayer offends you...
God gave me a voice that will not be silenced...
I will lift my voice toward Heaven...

Japan has been through so much and it is far from being over...
monetary donations are needed now...
but they will need more later...
and they will be in constant need of prayer and support...

get a hold of the Red Cross, your local churches and organizations...
they will need clothing, blankets, bottled water...
care packages like we send the troops...
personal care items...
toilet paper, kotex, diapers...
and later...
they will need school books and teaching supplies...
God will place on your heart what He wants you to do...
the talented...
the organizers...
the faithful...
the need is great...
but God is greater...

be the voice of a weary people...
shout from the mountain tops on their behalf...
on this day of silence prayer...


1 comment:

Bless your little pea picking heart for leaving a comment! You are so sweet!