Thursday, March 17, 2011

what color is spring?

is it robin egg blue?
or is it yellow?
could it be pink?
or perhaps green and brown?
or faded brick red and a little white?

what's your favorite spring color?
St Patrick's Day may be all green...
but it brings a rainbow into our lives...

spring is one of God's sweetest gifts...
may we all bloom bright this season...
and bask in His sunshine...

When we put our cares in His hands...
He puts His peace in our hearts...


  1. at this moment I'm loving Lavender, tomorrow it may be Pink, or maybe Blue...and of course the all bright Yellow...can we have 100 choices?

  2. It is definitely Spring green...but then the bunnies lay all those pretty pastel eggs to really pretty things up!!

  3. A nice blog... cool lay-out! My first visit here!

    Maybe, spring green for me... :)

    A link to my new post - Vhincci

  4. Morning Tete - I see you've been redesigning your blog! I love it!!

  5. Hi Tete-love your bowl and little vignettes.
    I'm going outside today to play....YAY!!!! It's gorgeous out, and I don't have any obligations.

  6. Light teal blue right now.

    love the sayings at the bottom of your post. Trying to figure out how to put my taxes in His hands, and know some peace. =)

    barbara jean

  7. I'm actually finding some signs of green around Mandy's house today, Yippy, I Love Spring & can't wait to see the little buds starting to form on the trees! Miss Ya, I will be here at Mandy's all day today, I actually was able to participate in Vintage Inspiration Friday, It has been so long & feels so good to join the fun~ Talk soon xox


Bless your little pea picking heart for leaving a comment! You are so sweet!